Mapping urban land use at street block level using OpenStreetMap, remote sensing data and spatial metrics

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Land cover
High buildings Medium buildings
Low vegetation Trees
Bare soils Asphalt surfaces
Water bodies Swimming pools
Land use
Planned residential Unplanned residential
Planned residential (low density) Unplanned residential (low density)
Bare soils Vegetation
Non-residential Uncertain
Land cover
High buildings Medium buildings
Low buildings Artificial ground surfaces
Low vegetation Trees
Inland waters Swimming pools
Bare soils
Land use
Planned residential Deprived residential
Planned residential (low density) Deprived residential (low density)
Bare soils Natural vegetation
Agricultural vegetation Non-residential

Methodological references

[1] Grippa, T., Georganos, S., Zarougui, S., Bognounou, P., Diboulo, E., Forget, Y., Lennert, M., Vanhuysse, S., Mboga, N. & Wolff, E. (2018). "Mapping urban land use at street block level using OpenStreetMap, remote sensing data and spatial metrics", ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2018, 7(7), 246.

[2] Grippa, T., Lennert, M., Beaumont, B., Vanhuysse, S., Stephenne, N. & Wolff, E. (2017). β€œAn Open-Source Semi-Automated Processing Chain for Urban Object-Based Classification.” Remote Sensing 9 (4): 358. doi:10.3390/rs9040358.

[3] Grippa, T., Georganos, S., Vanhuysse, S., Lennert, M. & Wolff, E. (2017). β€œA Local Segmentation Parameter Optimization Approach for Mapping Heterogeneous Urban Environments Using VHR Imagery.” In Proceedings Volume 10431, Remote Sensing Technologies and Applications in Urban Environments II. IEEE. doi:10.1117/12.2278422.

Datasets references

[1] Grippa, T. & Georganos, S. (2018). Ouagadougou very-high resolution land cover map (Version V1.0) [Data set]. Zenodo. doi:10.5281/zenodo.1290654

[2] Grippa, T. & Georganos, S. (2018). Dakar very-high resolution land cover map (Version V1.0) [Data set]. Zenodo. doi:10.5281/zenodo.1290800

[3] Grippa, T. & Georganos, S. (2018). Ouagadougou land use map at street block level (Version V1.0) [Data set]. Zenodo. doi:10.5281/zenodo.1291385

[4] Grippa, T. & Georganos, S. (2018). Dakar land use map at street block level (Version V1.0) [Data set]. Zenodo. doi:10.5281/zenodo.1291389